Wearing Daddy's earpiece
The next fun adventure was the Father & son camp out. This was the first year that Paul & Seth went to the camp out. They had a blast and Seth is constantly asking to go camping again. The night they got up there they had dinner and a bonfire and Seth played with friends and ran around the campsite. Paul texted me at 10 pm to let me know that he was not asleep yet. He was so excited to be sleeping in a tent and the air mattress and the flashlights, he could not relax and fall asleep. I think he finally fell asleep around 11. The next morning Paul had to wake him up early because the Elder's quorum presidency was making breakfast and the campfire was to far away from the tent to leave him there. Paul woke him up and Seth said it's time to go.... before he could finish his sentence with make breakfast, Seth started crying saying I don't want to go!!! Paul finally got him calmed down and explained they were just going to make breakfast. After breakfast they went to this cool place called Rock City. It is a bunch of huge boulders that you can climb all over and into. Needless to say he was in heaven and had a blast! I know it is going to be a fun tradition he looks forward to. I am so behind I haven't even downloaded the pictures yet. I will add them soon.