Monday, December 17, 2007

Update on Cooper

So, a week ago Monday I was given the all clear by the Doctor. Cooper's lung were clear! We still had to give him Singulair and pulmicort 2x a day but he was much better. As of today, we are almost back to square 1. He was only well for about 4 or 5 days before he got sick and started wheezing again. So, we went back to the doc and we are back on the oral steroid and using a different nebulizer treatment for a few days along with the xopenex in between when needed. So, because this seems to be a reoccurring thing it is now time to run a gamut of tests (blood, swabs, cultures, etc)to rule out certain illnesses. Anyway, my poor baby I hate that he is sick all the time and having to give him so much medicine. No fun! So frustrating! Hopefully we get some answers soon but, maybe it is just allergies and asthma. I don't know when I will be able to catch up on all the things I am behind on. Well, we are looking forward to spending the holidays relaxing with our family. Hopefully Cooper won't be too sick.


Patrick and Jennifer Thompson said...

Our Prayers are continually with Cooper and the family. We also can't wait to see everyone after Christmas!!!

Love, Pat and Jen

John and Marissa said...

Poor baby! He is such a sweet boy, it is sad to see him so sick. I hope he improves before you travel! Love ya! Looking forward to seeing you again.

Lindsay Griffeth said...

Hi's Lindsay "Marz" Griffeth! I saw your blog listed on Ali's. I'm glad Cooper is doing better...poor guy! He sure is adorable though!

Cindy said...

Tis the Season for the yucky coughs and sickness. I hate it. I sure hope it is nothing more than just that...I will keep him in my prayers. Right now all 3 of my kids have the runny nose and the bad cough. I swear it happens every year right before Christmas. Just our luck! I hope you have a great Christmas! If you come to Vegas call me and we'll get together.

Carol said...

Poor Cooper. Nothing worse than a sick baby. Hope he is doing better now.

Mary Beth said...

poor kid! Hope things went well for Christmas. Let me know if I can do anything to help on this end! We'll be back in San Ramon next Wednesday.

Bart and Kellie said...

Hi! When you get a chance, leave me a note with your new address in it, so I can finally get your Christmas card mailed. I should have just sent New Years or maybe even Valentines' cards their going to be so late!

Katrina said...

Hey You! Long time, no see! This is Katrina Clarke Smith. I just found your blog and wanted to say hi. I hope your little guy is feeling better. You have such a cute family!

abo-bder said...

فني تركيب دش بالرياض