Thursday, January 22, 2009

New Post is Coming

I swear a new post is coming soon. I got a new laptop and have not downloaded the software yet for my camera. I promise I will get that done over the next few days so we can move beyond the birthdays!


John and Marissa said...

you already passed your deadline...big trouble

Patrick and Jennifer Thompson said...

I am waiting.........!!!

Elizabeth said...

I have been wondering about you guys ...... everything ok ?

Mamathom and Papathom said...

Can't wait. Love those updates. Love you.

The Rowles said...

We don't beleive you ;)

Elizabeth said...

STILL WAITING !!!!!.......

Patrick and Jennifer Thompson said...

and waiting.......

Jessica said...

and waiting...! It's been a year you know?

DCAja said...