Tuesday, August 26, 2008
The Olympics
Our kids have been loving watching the Olympics. Seth enjoyed watching the swimming, gymnastics and diving. Izzy in particular has loved the gymnastics. We would tivo it and then snuggle on my bed and watch it. It has really inspired her. I think it really connected what she has been doing in class. It helped her to see what they mean when they say straighten your legs and point your toes and to see what she could be able to do in the future. She has been doing gymnastics all over our house and has really improved over the last couple of weeks. It has been really fun. Her teacher talked to us about possibly joining the developmental team but I am not sure we are ready to commit to that yet. I wouldn't trade my years as a competitive gymnast for anything but I was much older and it was definitely my choice. As a matter of fact, I had to beg my parents to let me compete. She enjoys so many other activities I know she is not ready to give everything else up ( not that she would have to yet). So if and when she ever wants to I just want to make sure it is her choice and she is basically begging me because it is a big commitment!
I know she doesn't look that happy but I think she was just so focused on watching she didn't know daddy was taking a picture. That is Seth's trademark position when relaxing. It cracks me up.
Pictures from Alice in Wonderland and Cooper's 1st birthday
I forgot to post the pictures from when Izzy got to play Alice in Alice in Wonderland. She remembered all of her lines and had a great time. What can I say, she loves to perform!!
This was a picture with her teacher after the performance. Since it is just a class through the recreation program, they don't have very many costumes so she asked the girls to wear a dress. Izzy was very excited that her teacher told her she was dressed so perfectly like Alice they didn't need to add anything.
This was the beginning of the show. We were so proud of her.
Here are a few pics from Cooper's birthday if you remember from an earlier post there was quite a bit of excitement with Seth hitting his teeth on the side of the pool. All I can say is it goes WAY TOO FAST!!
I know, I know, how did I get a light haired, blue eyed child. Good question. It must be somewhere in the gene pool. I am happy to say that each child has different colored eyes (green, brown and blue). It looks like he may end up having curly hair too. So fun!
Cupcakes! Glorious Cupcakes! This was his first real taste of sugar. With his reflux and other allergies I have been pretty tight on his diet. I got made fun of for wanting organic cupcakes but, they were delicious! Thanks Marissa!

Here are a few pics from Cooper's birthday if you remember from an earlier post there was quite a bit of excitement with Seth hitting his teeth on the side of the pool. All I can say is it goes WAY TOO FAST!!
The Space Museum
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Boys will be boys
I swear, every time I turn around Seth is hurting himself. He is SO accident prone. Some of you already know that when he was 2 he broke his leg riding his scooter. He is constantly tripping and when he does he ALWAYS hit his forehead. Ever since he could walk he has had goose eggs on his head. So, here is the latest one and I think this one may take the cake. He was chasing his sister and tripped and he of course hit his forehead. Luckily he did not have a concussion, just 2 black eyes and a major goose egg. Mind you, this picture is after icing it on and off for 2 hours. 

Later that week Izzy was trying to pretend she was a doctor and poked something in his ear. He started screaming and his ear started gushing blood so I called my pediatrician (yes, I have his cell phone number on speed dial) and he told me to bring him in to make sure his eardrum did not rupture. Luckily it was just a scratch in the inner ear. Izzy felt SO bad, she was really broken up about it. The other recent injury of his happened at Cooper's birthday. We were all outside watching Cooper eat his cake and I look over and see Seth jump off the diving board. I run over to the side of the pool and get there just as he is coming up out of the water. He jumped to close to the side and hit his mouth on the concrete stair on the side of the pool. His mouth was gushing blood and his teeth were pushed back a bit. My brother-in-laws friend is a pediatric dentist so he came over to check his teeth out. He did push them back a bit but they were not too loose so it looks like they will not fall out for now.
Here is a pic of Cooper at our friends birthday party. I swear it just comes ingrained in their brains to play with cars and guns. Look at his finger, Uncle John and Uncle Chet would be proud.
Later that week Izzy was trying to pretend she was a doctor and poked something in his ear. He started screaming and his ear started gushing blood so I called my pediatrician (yes, I have his cell phone number on speed dial) and he told me to bring him in to make sure his eardrum did not rupture. Luckily it was just a scratch in the inner ear. Izzy felt SO bad, she was really broken up about it. The other recent injury of his happened at Cooper's birthday. We were all outside watching Cooper eat his cake and I look over and see Seth jump off the diving board. I run over to the side of the pool and get there just as he is coming up out of the water. He jumped to close to the side and hit his mouth on the concrete stair on the side of the pool. His mouth was gushing blood and his teeth were pushed back a bit. My brother-in-laws friend is a pediatric dentist so he came over to check his teeth out. He did push them back a bit but they were not too loose so it looks like they will not fall out for now.
Here is a pic of Cooper at our friends birthday party. I swear it just comes ingrained in their brains to play with cars and guns. Look at his finger, Uncle John and Uncle Chet would be proud.
A Summer Update
So obviously I am way behind but instead of trying to catch up I am just going to give a brief overview of what we have been up to and then move on. So, obviously school ended and Isabelle finished kindergarten. In 2 weeks she will be starting first grade and I am really sad she is going to be gone all day. Seth finished his first year of preschool and he loved it. A week after school was out Izzy had her dance recital and we were scheduled to leave for Vegas the next day. But, if you know us, you know we can never go too long without some health crisis. The day before we were supposed to leave I had to take Cooper to the emergency room because he was wheezing really badly. He had gotten Croup (we think) and as usual with him, it always goes straight to his lungs. After another course of steroids and some breathing treatments, we were off to Vegas. Izzy was also suffering from 2 ruptured ear drums from ear infections. Anyway we had fun in Vegas with our family and went to Virgina for a week to visit Paul's family. They were both great trips. My mom came home with us for a few days which was fun as well. Since we have been back we have been trying to enjoy our last few weeks of summer. Izzy did a 2 day cheer camp and a 2 week long theater camp where they practiced and performed Alice in Wonderland. She was so excited because she got to play the part of Alice. She did a great job. Seth has been enjoying his activites, going to the library and playing with his friends. He is really looking forward to his 4th birthday in a few weeks. While in Vegas, Cooper had his 1st birthday. He is getting so big. Cooper is unfortunately on the brink of another asthma attack. He started wheezing and coughing again today. With a few breathing treatments, he is sounding a little better. Well, so much for a short update. Hopefully I'll be a little bit better at updating.
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