The week before General Conference, Mom came up to give me a short break from all of the stress that we have had between Isabelle & Cooper's medical troubles. Since the kids had not gotten a chance to see their new cousin Sarah yet, Marissa & her decided to tag along. Mom came a little earlier in the week and then Dad, Marissa & Sarah came on Friday. I wish they could have stayed longer but it was fun while it lasted. All of the kids enjoyed her but Isabelle especially had a wonderful time holding & feeding her. She would have been content to hold her all the time. She always tells me that she wants to be a mom when she grows up and she wants 5 kids (down from 10). I have no doubt that she will be a great one!
This is one of Sarah's first documented smiles.

Izzy loved feeding her. Since I breastfeed she had never had a chance to give a baby a bottle.

Seth wanted to hold her too.

That Friday, Isabelle was given the all clear from the doctor to return to school and normal activity. We celebrated by going to the park on Saturday after conference.