Well, I am finally getting around to starting a blog. It will be a fun way to keep all of our family and friends informed on the latest and greatest. Life up here in the East bay is a fun adventure but, we do miss our family and friends terribly. Isabelle is loving kindergarten, Seth thoroughly enjoys preschool and Mommy loves having 2 hours twice a week with just Cooper. Most afternoons we are busy going to extracurricular activities. Isabelle loves dance, gymnastics and her musical theater class, while Seth is enjoying playing soccer and swimming. Cooper is a great addition to our family and he pretty much just goes with the flow.
Today was the primary program and Isabelle did a great job singing all of the songs and saying her little part in the "big microphone". Seth liked watching his big sis and giving the occasional wave. The picture of her in the green dress is from today after the program. Thanks for the beautiful dress grandma! Seth is our little jokster and while we were trying to get out the door to church this morning he pulled one of his shenanigans and under my breath I told him he was driving me crazy. He turned to me and shouted with a big smile on his face, YOU'RE DRIVING ME CRAZY! He also managed to give Cooper his first raisin today, which was followed by a conversation of why we don't give Cooper food and that he is not allowed to give him any. I don't know how he sneaked it in considering that we were right there with them. Paul and I frequently find ourselves trying not to laugh at Seth when it is not appropriate.
Yeah! It is about time!...Love the blog!
Very Cute! I forgot to tell you how to get the pictures side by side. I guess 3 hours wasen't long enough. I do want to see the video so try again.
I am so glad that you finally got a blog. Now we can keep up!I can't believe how big they have all gotten! Seth is almost as tall as Isabelle...CRAZY!! Copper is so stinkin cute ;) I miss you guys and wish we could hang out more. When you come back to Vegas call me and we'll get the kids together. Blake misses playing with Isabelle. Have a good Halloween! Cute blog site!
Hey there lady! Your little Cooper is sooo cute! I hadn't seen any pics of him yet! How is California? Well anyway just thought I would say hello! :)
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