For Izzy's birthday, she wanted to have a pedicure party. So, we took her and 3 of her friends to get a pedicure ( a nail salon near us does mini pedicures for girls under 12). They had a great time getting pampered. Then, we came back to our house for some pizza and cupcakes. We kept both of the kids parties really small this year but, it was still a lot of fun.
I can't believe they are 4 and 6. Time really does fly. They are both such sweet kids. Isabelle is the little mini mother of our house (if I am not careful she will take over). She is also really compassionate and caring of others. I love it when she tells me she wants to be a mom when she grows up. I know she will be a great one. Seth is our little comedian. He really thinks he is funny and usually has a big double dimple smile on his face. He really adds entertainment value to our home. It is hard to discipline him when he does something wrong because he always flashes that big grin and it melts ya a little. Unfortunately, he already likes girls (especially older ones) quite a bit and his dad has taught him how to wink. I can't help but laugh at him most of the time ( I think that is his intention).
I think those parties are perfect! You can't go too far out when they are young because then you would be trying to top it each time it was a party year. Besides, my boys would rather go bowling then anything else.
So nice to get an update and some pictures. Sounded like great birthday parties for both kids. We love you and miss you all.
Your kids are so cute! It's fun to see how big they are getting.
I LOVE the princess party. A pedi, a crown, and a tu-tu...what more do you need? :)
So Cute! Love the pictures, late is always better than never. Please send me your email so I can add you. :)
She looks so cute in her pedi chair. Aren't girls fun?!?
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