The holidays were great. We spent them in Las Vegas and Cedar City visiting our families. Christmas is so fun with the kids getting a little bit older. New Years was uneventful as we were so exhausted we didn't even make it to midnight. The kids thouroughly enjoyed their cousins and grandparents. They even got to play in the snow while we were in Utah. Here are a few pictures.

Christmas Sunday
Cooper playing under the tree. He loved looking up at the lights.
Aunt Marissa and Cooper Christmas Eve.

Seth Loves flashlights!! Santa put this in his stocking.
Dressed for the snow.
Snow fight with daddy
Nap with Mama Thom

Isabelle enjoying some time with her cousin Kyle.
Anyway, it was great to see all of our family especially around the holidays. We feel extremely blessed and are thankful for our family and everything we have.
So to wrap this up I have to share what happened while we were at church today. A member of the bishopric came and got me out of Sharing time (I teach Sunbeams). In my head I was thinking I was set apart last week, maybe they forgot. He pulls me into the hallway to let me know that someone who came late noticed a car had been broken into and it was mine. Needless to say the thief busted out my passenger window, stole my COACH purse and COACH wallet (not cheap). We spent the last bit of church calling our debit and credit cards, cancelling them (they had already used them). I also had my checkbook and some giftcards(which they zeroed out, one of which was my dear friends) in there along with drivers license, health insurance and everything else!! What a pain. Now I have to get my window fixed, replace all of my cards, change my bank account and personal identification and I am out a nice purse. BUMMER! It was an eventful Sunday. I have alot of fun things to look forward to tomorrow (sarcasm). Oh well, nothing I can do to change it, just fix it and move on. I will post pictures of the wreckage later.
I am so sorry to hear about Cooper. I am glad they are doing some testing though. I am bummed you didn't call me when you came to Vegas. Maybe next time. That stinks about your car getting broken into. People can be so ignorant and dumb. We have had a LOT of cars getting stolen in our church parking lot...we face a major street and so I think it is an easy in and out. Hopefully you can take care of all of it. I love your Chrismas pictures. Your family is so dang cute. We need to stay in touch...
I can't beleive what happend at church! That is the last think you needed right now! I hope everything gets better with Cooper! Call me whenever you need help.
I've missed you! I was worried about little Cooper...but I didn't know if I'd be bothering you if he was still having a hard time. What a cutie he is. The family pictures are adorable. And what a tough kid, at least then you might know what's finally causing all of this. Don't worry about the crawling and stuff, he's had so much to be fighting he hasn't had time to worry about anything else. Carter was really early too, more than 2 months earlier than Jackson. Sorry we didn't catch you guys sometime when you've been here the last few times, we've missed you! I feel your pain my purse was stolen out of the shopping cart once, its a horrible hassle.
When it rains, it pours! Man! I wish sometimes that thieves would all live together on their own remote island and steal from each other...not us innocent bystanders!! Love the pix! Can't wait to see you this weekend!
Love that family Christmas picture. What a beautiful family. Thanks for letting me be a part of it. See you this weekend.
Hello there!! This is Stacie Hawley (Noorda)!! Katrina found my blog and then I was looking at her links and saw yours!! Your family looks so cute! I hope little Cooper gets better soon - it is so hard when they are sick! Good luck in February.
So sorry about Cooper, hope all the testing goes well and they can get it all figure out.
That is such a cute picture of the fam. You all look great! Glad you had a nice holiday with your family.
Gooood luck with the purse thing!
Dear Laura,
This is your long lost neighbor Jennifer Dempster from down the street. My little sister was on her Chaparral reunion website and found your families blog. You and your family are so beautiful. From your other postings I can see that you don't live in Las Vegas. My family currently lives in Riverton, Utah. I have two little girls Madelyn 6 and Isabella 3. We are expecting our first little boy in about 8 days. I can see that your little boy had a rough time at the hospital. I have worked at a children's hospital for the past 12 years. Now with three kids and my husband is in the military and deploys quit often I am now a stay at home mom. I would love to hear back from you. My email is
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