This is a picture of my sister Marissa and her husband. I love my sister and would cross shark infested waters for her if she needed me. My beautiful sister has been trying to have a baby for 8 years. They have done chlomid, AUI, invitro, basically everything to no avail. For about the last 2 years they have been on the list to adopt but still no baby. About 7 months ago they got a phone call that there was a baby for them and they needed to pick him up the next day. She quit her job and they excitedly went to the store and bought a carseat, clothes and items for the new addition. The next day they went to pick him up and after anxiously waiting for over 2 hours found out that the birth mother changed her mind and was giving the baby to someone else. They went home with an empty carseat in the back of their car and worst of all empty arms once again. Like so many of us, there is nothing she wants more than to be a stay at home mommy. I know they will be awesome parents. They have so many wonderful gifts and talents to share but most importantly lots of love. More than anything I wish there was something I could do and that I wasn't so helpless. As I sit snuggling my 3 beautiful children and her none, I don't know what else to do. So, here is my plea. If you know of ANYONE who is considering adopting their baby PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE, pass along their information. They have a blog (johnandmarissa.blogspot.com), it has links to their profiles through LDS family services and adoption.com. Thank you.
Thanks for the plug!! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!
I love your sister! I was snooping the other day, and came across her profiles on adoption. She would be the most amazing mom. We had a girl in our ward going through the same thing, then just found out she was pregnant. She's due in two weeks. I hope John and Marissa have some luck, anyone would be so lucky for their baby to be theirs and a part of your family. He/She would be so loved! Love you both!
That hurts. My heart breaks for them. Nobody should have to go through so much to be a mommy. I will pray for her.
Laura- I found this on someone elses site! So, you had a boy! That's gr8. Sorry about your sister. I will keep her in mind. How are you all doing? I am gonna add u to my list of blogs and visit yours often. Take Care April
Hello it's Lindsey..(I used to work front desk with Marissa at the ortho) I LOVE that you did this!! Marissa is one of my favorite people!! She is such an amazing person!! She is constantly in my prayers that she will be able to get a little one!!
This is Julie (Coon) Tandy! I happened to come accross your blog- you know how everyone is connected somehow on these things:) Anyways- your family is so cute- and WOW three kids!! I also hope that everything works out for Marissa and her husband.
I feel so bad for them Laura! My sister-in-law is on the waiting list also. But if I hear of anything I will let them know.
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