Cooper happy to see Aunt Marissa
Cooper has been doing pretty well recently. He has not been as sick as he has in the past few months. We are on the countdown until we go to the hospital. I feel really blessed that we have had such wonderful medical care for him. UCSF Children's Hospital is one of the best in the country so I know he will be in good hands. I am grateful they are being so thorough. I am pretty calm about it all but, I think that may be just because I am in denial about it and it has been so far away. Now that it is getting closer it will probably become more real. I asked my friend Whitney to make him a special blanket to take with him to the hospital so he would have something really cozy to take with him. It turned out great and he absolutely loves it. Thanks Whitney!! He always likes to hold one of his pacifiers to fall asleep but you can see it on the edge of the crib because he dropped it to hold the blanket instead.
Isabelle left me an adorable note the other day it said, " To Mom luv Izzy". On the inside it said, (this is her adorable kidergarten spelling)" I luv yow so mush yow mac me happy!"(she loves exclamation points). In case you can't tell it says I love you so much, you make me happy. It is so fun now that she is reading and writing, what a special note. The other day when we were riding in the car she said, "Mom, when is President Hinckley's birthday?". I replied,"I'm sorry sweetheart, President Hinckley passed away.". She came back with, " I know but when he comes back to life, when will his birthday be?". Too cute.

Seth has always been a really good sleeper but, over the last week he has been having some bad dreams and become afraid of the dark. He has never slept with us before this last week but he keeps coming in sometime after 4 in the morning. The other night I heard him come in our room and I told him to go back to bed and he said, " Mom can you just share with me?" (pleading in his voice). How could I resist, I said ok and scooted over.

What a special update. Great pictures. That Seth makes me laugh and I love those special notes from Isabelle. Cooper is in our prayers.
Your family is too cute. Next time you are in town we should try to get together. It has been forever since I have seen you. I think the last time I saw you was at my bridal shower and that was over 7 years ago. Crazy!
Those pictures of the kids are so adorable. They are getting so big.
I am glad Cooper did so well on the plane trip. He looks so big sitting up! They grow too fast. Blake is starting to do little notes here and there too. It is the cutest thing!!!
Hey Laura I just ran across your page, your kids are adorable!!! This is Annie Hammons by the way. You can check out my blog at www.landofscotts.blogspot.com It was great snooping your blog!!!
He's so cute! I'm sorry we missed you! My kids and I have been so sick and I didn't get your message until almost too late, and then I was scared we'd get Cooper sick and that would be really bad. It was the worst sick bout we've had in a long long time. Over 104 fevers and two ear infections for each kid. Next time we'll definitely catch you!
I agree your kids are so cute!! I hope all goes well w/the hospital and your baby! Your family will be in our prayers! Keep us updated when he goes:) April
Hi Laura, guess you are wondering who in the world is this commenting on my blog. Well, I'm Trey's other grandma and when Paul and his brothers were younger and lived here they were such sweet and mannerable boys. I used to love seeing them after Elizabeth started dating Wess. She definitely feels like another daughter to me and therefore the boys also feel like family.
\ Anyway, I want to tell you what a beautiful family you have. Little Cooper is precious and we will be praying for him also. He looks so healthy, and I'm sure he will be fine. Maybe one day I will get to see them. Hope you don't mind me keeping up with your Blog, as I do the whole family. I check for updates on them every few days. Well, take care of those babies and I will be watching for new updates soon.
\ Grandma, G.
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