So on Feb. 19th & 20th we went to UCSF Children's Hospital for Cooper to have all of his tests run. The first test he had was a bronchoscope where they put him to sleep and scoped his lungs to make sure everything is anatomically correct. They also took some swabs and cultures and placed the ph probe to measure acid in his esophagus to see if he has reflux and how badly. Everything in his lungs was correct so that has been ruled out as the cause of wheezing. The probe had to stay in for 24 hours so we had to stay overnight. It was not fun staying overnight in the hospital. Poor Cooper is such a light sleeper and we had a shared room with another little girl who had had major surgery. She kept yelling in pain and her parents didn't seem to know how to whisper. Plus, the nurses kept barging in to check on her. Not to mention we had to keep a close eye on Cooper to make sure he didn't pull on the probe because it couldn't be moved at all or the results may not be accurate. So, we all finally dozed off when I wake up to the LOUDEST snore I have ever heard in MY LIFE!!! I don't think there are words to explain it. The little girls dad had sleep apnea and kept letting out these enormously loud snores. Needless to say it woke Paul up too and by that point we were laughing because we were so tired we didn't know what else to do. Then Cooper woke up for the 10th time and I knew we couldn't stay in that room. I started walking the halls with him, wondering if I would have to do that all night. We had a good nurse and she said she would see if she could get us our own room but, they were very full. Meanwhile Paul was standing outside the door to our room and another nurse came out of the room and was like OH MY GOSH, do you want me to ask him to leave the room so you can sleep? Luckily our nurse was already working on getting us a different room. So, finally at 12:30 am we got our own room (at least until 6:30 that morning). We finally got a few hours of sleep before I had to feed Cooper again. They took the probe out that morning and then we had one more test before we could leave. We went to radiology to have a swallow study done. They took x-rays while he swallowed to make sure he was swallowing correctly and not aspirating into his lungs while he was swallowing. That test was also negative, he does not aspirate while he swallows. We finally went home and he passed out as soon as we started driving and then took a 5 hour nap after we got home.
A week later we went to see the cardiologist to make sure it was not a heart condition causing the wheezing and that came out all clear as well. So the worst of the worst is over. We finally got a call telling us that the PH probe was positive for reflux and we have an appointment to see the GI in a week. He started on prevacid. It seems to help a little but he still spits up and wheezes a little but luckily we have not had any major breathing issues in about 6 weeks. Hopefully his reflux will get better with time and will not require any major intervention. He seems to be gaining weight a little bit better now that he is not as sick.
My mom came out to watch our other kids so we could both be at the hospital!! Thanks mom you are the best, it was so nice not having to worry about our other kids when we were at the hospital.
The Doors to the surgery Center



Upclose with the probe
Those hospital pictures make me so sad...even though he seems happy enough. SO glad that there doesn't seem to be anything major. Good luck with the reflux. Thanks for posting, I have been thinking of you.
I am so sorry you all had to go through that. But I am glad he is doing better. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
HOLY COW! I can't believe all you had to go through. William had surgery when he was 1, but was nothing compared to that ordeal. I can hardly handle my own husbands snoring let alone a total stranger. you are such a trooper! I hope things just get better and better.
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