Friday, November 9, 2007

Kids Say the Darndest Things

I have decided to write down a few of the funny things my kids tell me every week. So, here are some of the winners this week.

I was doing Isabelle's hair this morning before school and she says to me (as she is looking in the mirror), "Mom I already wore this outfit to school". I then say to her, "it's ok to wear an outfit more then once". Then she says,"But I like new clothes".
Am I in for it or what? Don't we all like new clothes. It is my own fault. We like to shop.

So this next conversation was last night between Seth & I. He got out of bed and snuck down to the toy room where I was picking up and says very urgently and demanding
Seth: Mom why aren't you in bed?
Me: Because it's not my bedtime.
Seth: Mom you don't even have your pajamas on!
Me: I know, it's not my bedtime it's yours.
Seth: But it's the middle of the night!! (Actually it's 8:30 pm)
Me: I know get back to bed.

Ok, so the last 2 were more of the kind where you just had to be there but this last one I couldn't contain myself from laughing. A few nights ago, Paul & I were sitting at the kitchen table talking and Seth came downstairs (out of bed again) with his power rangers mask on. I took him back to bed and asked him if he needed to go potty and he tells me, " No, I don't need to go poopoo, the poopoos are going to go to sleep in my bum!".

Never heard that one before!


Bart and Kellie said...

Those are hilarious! We're getting more and more of those at our house too... boys are so funny. (And even when they're not they think they are!)

Cindy said...

How funny! Kaleb is stared to get really smart mouthed. It is quit hilarious!

Carol said...

Ok, that last one is hilarious!!! And yes, You and Isabelle are in big trouble.